Saturday, August 17, 2019

Julien Navoigille String Quartet in Eb Score Transcript

Julien Navoigille (ca.1749 — 19 November 1831) is French composer. He wrote six string quartet concertante in Opus 3. This is one of his string quartet movement that I re-transcript to Muse Score. The source is taken from imslp library under his name.

Here are the scores. I urge every string quartet ensemble to play this and upload to Youtube so we can listen again these neglected string quartet. This is movement one of the quartet :

Julien Navoigille String Quartet in Eb Score Transcript

this score was played with Muse Player in this video :

I will upload the 2nd and 3rd movement soon after I re-notated it to Muse. At this moment, I will not share the original xml muse file, unless under certain circumstances.

tag: string quartet , classical string quartet, neglected string quartet, Julien Navoigille String Quartet in Eb, muse score string quartet